Friday, October 11, 2013

Show Him Your ‘O’ Face

5 secrets to achieving a better orgasm

The big “O.” That ever-elusive, could-be legendary experience that everyone strives for when they’re rolling around in the sheets (or on the countertop — we don’t judge) with their honeys. Sadly, much like seeing an actual unicorn or Ryan Gosling in person, a woman achieving a climax in bed is a rare thing. Turns out, only about 25% of us ladies are able to peak every time we’re with our partners, compared to over 90% of our male counterparts.

But don’t lose hope! There are things you can do to actually improve your chances of reaching that big “O” (and making it the best you’ve ever had). We’ve got five climax secrets that’ll have you (and your partner) begging each other for more. And, let’s be real — it’s not like trying this stuff out is going to be a totalbummer.

Change your position
When you’re on top of your partner, you have more control over how everything is moving down below, which means that when you get close, you won’t have to worry about your man changing gears (and causing you to lose your momentum). Not only that, but the position acts as both a vaginal and clitoral stimulator, so that big moment of ecstasy will be felt on more than one level. Um, yes please!

Don’t be shy
If your partner isn’t exactly hitting the mark (hey, we’ve all been there — jackhammering isn’t fun for anyone), speak up. Men want direction in the sack (and if he doesn’t, he isn’t worth it). And believe it or not, he can’t actually read your mind, so if you never tell him what feels good and what doesn’t, he’ll never know to do anything different for you. And remember the words “for you” — two great words to “O” by.

Stress can have a major effect on your ability to have a good “O,” so make sure you’re in a good head space before getting it on with your partner. As silly as it sounds, try taking a relaxing bubble bath together — not only will it calm your nerves, but it’s also a great place to practice foreplay, and we all know that a little pre-action can go a long way. And there’s several things you can do with a rubber ducky.

Get some exercise
Since an orgasm is, quite simply, the release of genital muscle tension, it makes sense that exercising those muscles helps get you more bang for your buck. And since we exercise the rest of our body, why not work out our pleasure center, too? Try doing a few kegels — clenching and releasing the muscles in your pelvic floor — a day. Not sure how to do it? Work on stopping yourself from peeing the next time you’re midstream.

Practice makes perfect
It’s like the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed…” (we’ll let you fill in the rest). One of the best parts about mastering the art of the orgasm is that working toward it never actually feels like work, for you or your partner. So practice away, ladies — your body will thank you for it! And so will your partner.

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