Friday, April 5, 2013

Top 5 Tips To A Stronger Bond

How do you make your relationship stand the test of time? Maintaining a healthy and vibrant relationship with your partner can be challenging, especially in today’s busy world. Fast-paced lifestyles can often infringe upon your personal lives, leaving little time to strengthen the bonds in your relationship. However, there are ways to get out of the rut and stay on the path to a loving and committed relationship. Here are the top 5 tips for a road map to lasting love.

1. Negotiate, Don’t Retaliate.

Look for a win-win situation and remember that both of you lose if there is a fall out. “In the end , why pay the lawyer to ‘retaliate’ ?”

2.Make a list of things you like about your partner

Dim the lights, sit down together with a favorite snack and start making a list of the things you like in your partner. Items can be as simple as “I like how you make coffee for me on Sunday mornings” or they can be behavioral traits like “I love how easy-going you are”. Feel free to be as descriptive as you like. Once your lists are complete, display them in a common place (such as on the refrigerator) and read them out loud as often as you can!

3. Take A Drive With Him

That alone is good practice in conflict management. Ask yourself: Were the two of you happier at the beginning of your journey that when you arrived?

4. Plan surprise dates

Dates are a fun way to spend special time together and enjoy each others company. However, a surprise date is even more romantic and thoughtful. Show up at her office just before she’s getting ready to leave work and whisk her away to a surprise dinner and concert.

5. Go For Regular Marriage Enrichment Activities

Nuture your marriage with useful talks or activities. Couples who share a vision for their future are better equipped to make decisions that move the relationship forward and when both might have slightly different visions marriage enrichment talks help to teach couples to hold each others hand towards their vision.

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