Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Kind of New Year’s Resolution Make a promise you want to keep

Ah, dreaded new year’s resolutions. Every year we make them and every year we break them.

And let’s be honest — they’re almost always the same: hit the gym more, lose weight, find a better job, make more money, get on a reality show (OK come on, you know you wanna)…and while we do plan to accomplish all of that in 2012, this year we vow to create a new kind of resolution.

It’s a resolve to be happy. While money and fitness are important, we also want to feel good. So sit back, grab that glass of wine, try at least one thing on this list, and let the happiness roll on in.

Travel somewhere new. It doesn’t matter if it’s two or 20 hours away, just make sure you get there and explore. A new mall doesn’t count.

Single? Make the first move and ask that cutie out.

In a relationship? Don’t wait for your significant other to plan your perfect date. Make reservations at that new underground hotspot, rent a pair of snowboards, or buy tickets to a new play. Take your bf or BFF and have a fantastic night of fun.

Sing. Loud! In the shower, in your car, or out at karaoke.

Try a new position. It doesn’t need to be Cirque du Soleil, just make it a little different.

Turn off Facebook and go visit that friend in person.

Cut your hair a new way. Sure, we all remember the Felicity debacle, but it’s hair — it grows back. And who knows? It could be the first step to a fab new you. Or the first step to finding a fab new hat.

Play hooky from work. It will still be there when you get back.

Stop staring at the hot dress or the bright red pumps in your closet and actually put ’em on! You’re going to look amazing!

Play strip poker with your loved one.

Adopt a puppy. Several studies have shown pets help reduce stress and improve happiness. You’ll give a needy animal a new home and you might just meet that cute guy at the dog park.

Take a bubble bath. Music, candles, rose petals, and cute guy optional.

Pay for the person behind you at a parking lot or a toll booth. A small, kind gesture to someone you don’t know can feel surprisingly good.

Tell someone you like them, even if it’s a little embarrassing.

Dare to try a new dish or a new treat. Who knows? Grilled eel might be yummy after all.

Pick someone each week or each month who you love and write them a note of appreciation and thanks (especially parents, teachers, and mentors).

Eat two desserts without any regret (and fine, hit the gym a little harder tomorrow).

xx, Beautyqueen

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