Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Answer Me This: At-Home Hair Color Gone Wrong (Email questions)

Q: I'm a brunette and recently colored my hair using a cool, medium brown (28-day). The color oversaturated and now my hair is almost black. Is there any way to fade the color faster (without causing major damage)? Thanks! — Clare F., Washington, D.C.
A: Sorry to hear, Clare! It can be fixed! Use a clarifying shampoo. Wash a few times over and over for a few days to a week, and it should help strip some color out. You can purchase Fekkai clarifying shampoo at Target or any Walgreens or Ulta. But be sure to use a very hydrating conditioner — you don't want to dry out your hair!"

Have a beauty-related question that you've been dying to ask? Drop me a line at

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