Friday, August 5, 2011

Hair Color Trends: Back to the 80's

Wild colors, teased on top, peek-a-boo styles and hair straighteners are all the rage these days. This year brings out even more of the style and it is finding the way to the stars. I am talking about the hair color trends of 2011.  
The trends are wild colors such as hot pink, blond, green and purple. Swatches of hair are dyed different colors mixed in with either the natural color of the hair, or dyed hair. There does not seem to be one certain style except what the wearer of the hair likes.

The most important thing for these hair color trends is the straightener. The hair must be straightened all over with the longest left straight and not teased. Because of the damage that straightening, teasing and dying does, a good shampoo and conditioner is mandatory.
Some girls change the color as often as every two weeks, so the possibility of damaging the hair is likely. It is for this reason that I insist my child uses extensions. They are quickly interchangeable, purchased over the Internet, a boutique, or beauty supply house, and are inexpensive. They come in many different colors and styles and this protects her hair from damage. I recommend using these for the simplicity of design changes without the damage.

Then there is the eye makeup that is reminiscent of Goth, or late night Dracula movies. Here are a few eye makeup tips. Black eyeliner is the way to go with a somewhat heavy hand applied thick. The bottom lid and the top lid should be a thick line and sometimes a line extends beyond the eye giving a cat like look. The eye shadow should be dark blue, dark purple or black. Some apply different colors in small areas.
Some other eye makeup tips are using different colors around the eye. Use metallic yellow in the corners, baby pink under the lower lid, baby blue on the lids and a light ochre under the brows. If this style is for you, remember to have fun, stand out, and stay styling.

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