Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lean and Green

Slim down naturally with green coffee beans


 By now we’ve all learned to be wary of every ad promising that a “magic pill” will transform our body and melt off pounds before we can say “Aw, poor Robert Pattinson.” But there’s a new supplement on the market that gives even the biggest skeptics a reason to raise their eyebrows.
Green coffee bean extract, an all-natural supplement, is being touted by the media and scientific community as a safe and easy way to lose weight without changing diet or exercise.

How does green coffee bean work against weight gain? 
The key is not caffeine, but chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid inhibits the release of glucose while at the same time boosting the metabolism of fat in the liver. These two mechanisms work together to inhibit the absorption of fat and eliminate weight gain.

Then can’t we just up our coffee intake to two Ventis to drop the pounds?
Sadly, no. When you roast coffee beans…you are also removing the chlorogenic acid, which is the key to healthy weight loss. Green coffee beans, in contrast, are unroasted, have little aroma, are bitter, and contain over 50% chlorogenic acid.

Is the green coffee bean supplement safe? 
Yes! Green coffee bean is not a stimulant and it doesn’t make you jittery and nervous and raise your heart rate like roasted coffee or ephedra. In fact, the green coffee bean has actually shown in some studies to lower blood pressure – while still boosting metabolism!

How much and how often should we be taking? 
The most important thing is to look for a pure green coffee bean capsule supplement. Read the label carefully, look under “other ingredients” and make sure it does not contain cellulose, stearates, silica or any additional fillers. To achieve the best results, you should take a minimum of 800mg at least 30 minutes before each meal at least two times per day. Because green coffee is a food and no harmful side effects were reported in the study, take two capsules before every meal!

A client of mine gave the green coffee bean a test drive for four weeks and only lost a pound. 
If you already don’t consume a lot of sugar or carbs (like our staffer), this supplement may not make a difference in your diet. Because these supplements block the absorption of sugar and therefore its ability to be turned into fat, those who tend to eat more carbs or sugars will notice a bigger difference.
Even if you don’t want to take this supplement daily, taking it before or after a “splurge” meal or a meal that involves a lot of sugar, carbs, or alcohol as a way to ensure your body doesn’t turn all that excess sugar into fat!
And while I'm not throwing in the towel to our daily sweat sesh nor gorging ourselves on buckets of chocolate, this is definitely some new food caffeine for thought!

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