Monday, December 12, 2011


Think Yourself Thin
Practice these meditation techniques for a better body

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a skinny pair of jeans, saying “no” to chocolate cake, and going on a 3-mile run.

Do that for five to 20 minutes twice a day and you’re one step closer to the body of your dreams.

Sound too good to be true? Clinical hypnotherapist Lisa Jackson, author of the book Adore Yourself Slim, says it’s absolutely true — hypnosis helped her find the motivation to lose 49 pounds.

“Practicing self-hypnosis first thing every morning is a powerful way to stay focused on your weight-loss goals,” she says.

So, close your eyes. Inhale through your nose for a count of four. Pause briefly. Exhale through your nose for a count of eight. Do this for two minutes, then try one of Lisa’s top three tips:
Celebrate yourself by taking a daily Praise Pill. Recall your good qualities. Admire the parts of your body that you like. This helps to put you in a positive, can-do mindset.
Mentally rehearse your healthy choices for the day in great detail — from eating oatmeal for breakfast to going for an evening power walk.
Imagine how amazing you’ll look, act, and feel when you’re at your goal weight. It creates a mental blueprint for your body to follow.
If other thoughts pop into your head during this process, don’t worry. Lisa says: “Acknowledge them. Then gently bring your mind back to the task at hand.”

For more of Lisa’s self-hypnosis tips, visit her website,

xx, Beautyqueen

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