Monday, April 4, 2011

Sweet News: Candy Lovers Are Surprisingly Thinner--Do You Heart Candy?

Eat candy, lose weight? I wish. But seriously, according to the latest news, candy lovers may be a slim bunch. Do you love candy? What's your favorite kind? Let's talk sweet stuff...

I've seen a lot of surprising weight loss news, but this really shocked me. According to Louisiana State University researchers, people who tend to eat candy and chocolate treats have smaller waistlines, lower BMIs and weigh less than those who tend to nix sweet splurges. On top of that, say the researchers, candy eaters had a 14 percent lower risk for high blood pressure.
What's going on here? There are two factors to point out: 
1.) This study asked people to recall what they ate, which is typically an unreliable method, and
2.) Candy or no candy, it all boils down to calories. A little candy eaten as a part of a low-calorie diet isn't going to make anyone pack on pounds.
I'm not really a candy fan, but chocolate, oh yeah. How about you?
Are you a candy eater? What's your favorite kind?

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