Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Style switch, tips for changing up your wardrobe

Whoever coined the phrase "practice makes perfect" must have been an avid fashion lover. Whether it's honing a unique aesthetic, shopping sans buyer's remorse, or elevating a look with the right accessories and attitude, one does not become an object of sartorial splendor overnight; it takes practice, and perhaps even a little coaching. 

And just when you think you've reached the pinnacle of your personal career as a style enthusiast, you'll find that there's still plenty to learn, and an infinite amount to try, which is why we know you'll appreciate today's edition of Styling Tips! 

Whether you're drawn to Jessica Hart's fresh take on monochromatic dressing or Jade Williams' sleek and successful merging of prints, read on and remember that there's always more to add to your fashion arsenal!

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